Thursday, January 17, 2013

It's OK!

Linking up today with: It's OK Thursday hosted by Brunch with Amber

Its Ok Thursdays
IT'S OK...
....that I felt slightly unfilled when I realized I left a bag of groceries on the counter at the grocery store.
....that I felt frustrated when I couldn't find the receipt for said groceries so couldn't prove to the manager that I did leave them.
...that I got annoyed at the bank teller when I handed her a 20 and asked for quarters and she gave me an annoyed look. (That's your job!)
...that I'm mad because two tablets have broken within the space of two months. What do I do now? Call the store or send it to the manufacturer?

...that I think Coby products are a piece a -! That's what a get for being a cheap skate.
...that I'm now totally wrapped up in The Bachelor. Never watched it before and now I can't get enough. (C'mon Sara!)
...that I'm apprehensive about this season of Face Off - was so disappointed when Roy got kicked off that I stopped watching it.
...that I'm nervous/excited about working tomorrow.
...that I'm hatin' the snow right now.
...that I'm really mad at the post office for losing the package I sent to The Hubs for Christmas. FOR CHRISTMAS!!
...that after doing one strand on the loom I put it aside (for now). I don't really know what I'm doing.
...that I said "Again" and sighed when Cupcake came downstairs wearing one of my favorite comfy, cozy sweaters.
...that I want to go shopping for myself today. New jeans!!
whew! that feels better!! think I'll be doin' this more often :)

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